In August, we were honoured to host Her Excellency the Honourable Linda Dessau AC, Governor of Victoria, at the Institute, then in October, the Honourable Jenny Mikakos, Victorian Minister for Health and Ambulance Services, presented awards to the first graduates of the Bionics Institute “Mentoring Girls in STEMM Program”.

Click here to read the 2019 Summer Newsletter.

Image: L-R: A/Prof Rachael Richardson (Bionics Institute Researcher), The Hon Jenny Mikakos (Minister for Health and Minister for Ambulance Services), Emma Nguyen (Student, Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School), Tara Stewardson (Student, Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School), Dr Sophie Payne, (Bionics Institute Researcher), Dr Deborah Priest (Principal, Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School)